Tufaan the Horse Wall Hanging - Pitwai Tribal Art
A lovely piece of art that comes with a story. Add it to your collection of special pieces, and it's definitely a standout piece. Made by iron harvested entirely by hand and shaped in age old ways by tribals of central India.
Chhattisgarh Bastar region is a plateau with high-grade Iron ore (Hematite) deposits. For centuries tribes of this area have been climbing the iron rich mountains and gathering the iron by toppling the stones to the ground. They gather wood coal from the forests which is then use as fuel to melt the stones and extract the iron. This is a method used for centuries by the tribes to make axes, tools, and other utilitarian items. The handicrafts created by the blacksmiths is known as Pitwa art.
The lack of exposure and a changing cultural landscape has put this art in a danger of disappearing. Many artisans are abandoning their profession for other reliable jobs. Our local partners have worked for over a decade to revive this tradition by updating the artisans on modern designs and market requirements, and generating sustained incomes for them. Our artisan partners come from the Lohar Vishwakarma tribe of central India.